DOA Guarantee

Dead on Arrival (DOA) Guarantee

I strive to ensure all my shrimp arrive alive and healthy. In the rare event of receiving dead shrimp, please adhere to the following policy:

1. Coverage:

  • DOA is covered for all shrimp shipped via overnight shipping methods.
  • Exception: For temperatures over 75°F (24°C), I only guarantee DOA coverage for overnight shipped shrimp. Priority and express shipping is not covered in these conditions.
  • If delivery is missed on the first attempt, the DOA guarantee is voided.
  • Eggs are not covered under the DOA guarantee.

2. Reporting Procedure:

  • Any DOA must be reported within 2 hours of the delivery timestamp provided by the carrier.
  • You must provide clear, well-lit photos or video evidence of the dead shrimp in their unopened original bag.
  • The photos/video must be taken within 1 hour of delivery.
  • The photos/video must show the shipping label and postmark date.

3. Video Requirements:

  • Start the video before opening the bag.
  • Show the unopened bag with shipping label visible.
  • Slowly open the bag and gently pour contents into a clean, white container.
  • Provide a close-up of each shrimp, demonstrating lack of movement.
  • The entire process must be filmed in one continuous video without cuts.
  • The video must be taken within 1 hour of the delivery timestamp.

4. Replacement or Credit:

  • Once your claim is verified, I will offer either a replacement of the livestock or a credit towards your next order.
  • The replacement or credit will only cover the cost of the deceased livestock.
  • Shipping costs are not refundable under any circumstances.
  • No cash refunds will be provided.

5. Delivery Issues:

  • If there are issues or delays with UPS, USPS, or other delivery services, I will offer either a 50% credit or livestock replacement.

6. Exceptions:

  • This policy does not cover deaths due to improper acclimation or tank conditions after arrival.
  • I reserve the right to deny claims that do not follow this procedure or appear suspicious.